Travel Tips

So I think I have enough stuff to last me 2 weeks

Got enough luggage

After leaving from Perth to Geraldton today it took me 5hrs but that did include a few stops along the way to stretch the legs. Normal time is about 4 hrs it just depends on if you take the scenic route (Indian Ocean Drive) or Brand Highway. Time is also dependent on how fast you can go if you stick to the 110 k speed limit then it is quicker but you do have to accomodate for road trains and other slower traffic (like me in the motorhome), even though I sat on about 105 kilometres most of the way.

So this is the beast that will be my home for the next 2 wks.

One thing I did discover was the beauty of cruise control. I have had it in most of my cars but never used it but it definitely comes in handy when you have to drive for 5hrs and also means you can dance with your feet instead of hands while driving lol. It is also the best thing to use when you get stuck behind someone who is barley doing 100 in a 110 zone, especially when there is no overtaking lanes and you are driving a 18ft motorhome so you just stick cruise control on and sit back and enjoy the drive.

I stayed at the S Bend Caravan Park for the night and let me tell you there is nothing nicer than being rocked to sleep by the wind, if you like that sort of thing. I personally got more annoyed by the aircon heater switching on and off so after about an hr i turned it off completely. Downfall of that woke up at 5.30 with a frozen nose.

In the morning it was off to Kalbarri after stopping by and visiting a few of the old homesteads that still stand.

Temperance Lodge
Temperance Lodge, Greenough
Grays Store 2
Gray’s Store, Greenough

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