Day One: The Goatbusters

Day One: Waking up at the crack of dawn isn”t usually how most people would think a holiday would be but i suppose i am a person who enjoys getting the most of out my time alone and holidays so that involves being a bit prepared. Also a lot of driving.

So after making sure everything was locked down in the motor home, as put it this way it is annoying as hell to have to stop after driving at 110ks on a highway because your cutlery is threatening to end up on the floor. I continued onwards and up the coast.

There are a lot of interesting sites to be seen on the way up the Western Australia Coast as it evolves and changes its landscape, as it goes from the red dirt of the desert to the sandy covered clear beaches.

In Greenough there are numerous histcoric sites that provide a glimpse into the past

Wesyan ChurchW
Wesleyan Chappel, Greenough
Grays Store 1
All thats left of the Gray’s Store Sign

Depending on which route you decide to take will determine the sights available. I chose to take the inland road which goes past Port George (otherwise known as Pink Lake in Kalbarri). It is a bit of a detour of the main road but worth the extra kilometres.

Pink Lake
Pink Lake Car View

Will return with more pics and advise in another post once my iPad decides to let me firstly find then upload the right pictures and take more than 20mins to do so.

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