Day Three: The Reflection

I was up and out of the Murchison Caravan Park  just before 8am as i had a long drive in front of me to reach Denham by tonight. 

I wished I’d had time to stop by some of the gorges on my way out of Kalbarri but this time I didn’t have an opportunity. Back in the day I used to race myself to see how fast I could get to the bottom and back again. I was planning on coming back past Kalbarri on my way back to Perth so I could go horse riding at the Big River Ranch

First stop was Hamlin Pool. In the ocean are stromatolites similar to the ones down the coast in Lake Thetis near Cervantes. Quite a remarkable little species and a great example that our coast is very distinctive and different considering if you drive inland towards the old telegraph station the temp goes from a cool 24 degrees to 41 degrees rather warm I must say. 

After sweltering it out at the Telegraph Station for a bit I hoped back onto the  air conditioning of the Motorhome and headed to the Shell Beach.

From a distance the beach looks normal but once you step onto it you notice the crunch under your feet. The whole beach is made up of shells of up to 10 metres deep. They used to use the shells to build structures some of which still stand nearby. The water lets of a calm blue green hue. The water is also very salty so it makes it easier to float.

After having a bit of an wander on the shell beach I headed back to the motorhome and on my way to Denham to find a caravan park for the night. Once I arrived the wind had picked up quite a bit so didn’t really feel like looking around too much but it is a very small town so only a few caravan parks to pick from.

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