Day Two: The Walkathon

So I was up bright and early, got my fishing gear sorted and went off to the river for an early morning fish.

Now I must warn you there may be an overload of pelican photos following as everywhere you look there they are. During my fish in the river I had a companion who followed me even when I moved spots.


I suppose it paid off for him as when I released any under size fish he was right in there. He only managed to get one baby snapper.

Meanwhile I caught 3 sand whiting and figured that’s enough for my dinner so I packed up and went to a near by bench to have a rest.

Dinner #kalbarriwhiting

No more than 30 secs after sitting down I had company from a Chinese couple. He had an app on his phone which we were using to talk to each other, except one minor flaw it didn’t recognise my accent all the time. It would only get about 3 out of 4 words and replace it with something else, which sometimes translated way beyond what I actually meant, so I had to waive my hands like an idiot saying no-no no not what I meant. I think he understood as he laughed, but then again who knows.

So after an eventful conversation ending with a, sorry can’t afford to fly to China at the moment so you can cook me dinner and I will stay at a complete strangers house for free..not.

After politely saying my farewells I got up and started the walk back to the caravan park with my dinner in my bucket. The pelicans that where hanging around for the schedule 8.45am morning feed caught sight of my bucket and thought ok here we go its breakfast time and started following me. After shooting them off I headed on back to the caravan park to clean my fish and myself up for the day.

After cleaning up i headed on back down to the foreshore to watch the pelicans being feed. This tradition has been around since i was a little girl visiting kalbarri on the school holidays.My favourite things were being up early enough to go feed the pelicans and checking out the shell house (no longer there). Warning pelican photos to follow…

After spending time at the foreshore with the pelicans it was time to go explore so off to the visitor centre it was to find out if there was someone who could help me download some picturecs off my camera into my icloud as i didnt have computer and i would have to start deleteing some pics soon with the way i was going.

After walking around for most of the day from one place to the other let’s just say my legs were very tired but I decided to go for a fish in the evening. I didn’t really fancy carrying everything down to the jetty so i managed to find out that the backpackers across the street from my caravan park will hire out the bikes they let tourist use. Considering the wind at this time had picked up quite a bit i did not fancy walking up the beach to the jetty with the fishing rod and tackle box etc. so in they went into the basket in the front of the bike and fishing rod leaning on my shoudler off i went down the road for some more fishing at the jetty. Unforetuntely after a while of trying really hard not to get stabbed with a hook flying around in the wind i gave up and packed everything up and back down the road i went. Bit of a site i would imagine. sorry no pics of this one lol..

After returning from my fishing expedition it was time to head on back and pack up as needed to get up early to get on my way to Shark Bay.

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